Attention Travelers: The I-95 section of NE Philadelphia has reopened. There is a 45 MPH speed restriction through the area. Additionally, commercial vehicles should utilize CENTER lanes.
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Pennsylvania MBUF Pilot Launch

October 1, 2020

Pennsylvania is continuing its work with the Eastern Transportation Coalition to bring Pennsylvania’s voice to the exploration of a mileage-based user fee as a possible sustainable solution for transportation funding. We all expect to get where we’re going safely and efficiently. To do this, we must continue to maintain our roads and bridges. The current fuel tax funding is unsustainable due to improving fuel efficiency and an increase in electric vehicle adoption rates. Pilot participants help shape the future of transportation by participating in the mileage-based user fee pilot.

For more information on the Coalition’s mileage-based user fee work visit  or contact Patty Reich at


October 1, 2020
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