RITIS User Group Meeting
VirtualHave your voice heard during this special RITIS/PDA Suite User Group Meeting. We will present and discuss all of the many new feature requests that you have told us about--showing mock-ups of potential designs and functionality. This is your chance to vote on the importance and prioritization that should be given to each. This meeting […]
TIM Quarterly: TMC Virtual Challenges
VirtualDelaware Valley Regional Planning Commission and the Eastern Transportation Coalition TIM Quarterly management meeting. For more information contact Patty Reich: [email protected].
North Carolina MBUF Pilot Launch
North CarolinaNorth Carolina DOT is conducting a pilot, in partnership with the Eastern Transportation Coalition, to test the viability of a mileage-based user fee as a possible sustainable solution for transportation funding. We all expect to get where we're going safely and efficiently. To do this, we must continue to maintain our roads and bridges. The […]