AV Infrastructure Readiness Stakeholder Webinar
VirtualThis event is the second in a series of workshops for a USDOT-OST funded project designed to explore the use of infrastructure readiness assessment methodologies for assessing a multi-state region’s […]
New Jersey MBUF Pilot Launch
New JerseyNew Jersey is working with the Eastern Transportation Coalition to bring New Jersey's voice to the exploration of a mileage-based user fee as a possible sustainable solution for transportation funding. We all expect to get where we're going safely and efficiently. To do this, we must continue to maintain our roads and bridges. The current […]
Delaware MBUF Pilot Launch
DelawareDelaware is continuing its work with the Eastern Transportation Coalition to bring Delaware's voice to the exploration of a mileage-based user fee as a possible sustainable solution for transportation funding. We all expect to get where we're going safely and efficiently. To do this, we must continue to maintain our roads and bridges. The current […]
Pennsylvania MBUF Pilot Launch
PennsylvaniaPennsylvania is continuing its work with the Eastern Transportation Coalition to bring Pennsylvania's voice to the exploration of a mileage-based user fee as a possible sustainable solution for transportation funding. We all expect to get where we're going safely and efficiently. To do this, we must continue to maintain our roads and bridges. The current […]
RITIS User Group Web Meeting
VirtualThis next quarterly RITIS User Group web meeting will focus on the following topics: A Spotlight Presentation: Maryland DOT - RITIS Leveraged for State's New Common Operational Picture Dashboard, Results from the Feature Ranking & Prioritization on RITIS, Probe Data Analytics Suite, Trip Analytics, and Signal Analytics tools, Working Group Updates, RITIS & PDA Suite […]
Operations Academy
As the emphasis on transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) increases, the demand for personnel with skills in these areas is also increasing. Unless sufficient numbers of personnel with adequate […]
Freight Committee Meeting
VirtualPlease join your peer committee members to hear updates on Coalition work plan activities, a spotlight presentation on the recent Freight Data Report/Matrix and engage in interactive discussion to move forward with building out the Freight Data Metadata Matrix. Please contact Marygrace Parker for more information (mgparker@tetcoalition.org).
Freight Truck Parking Working Group
VirtualThis meeting of the Coalition's Truck Parking Working Group will feature a presentation from the PA Turnpike Commission on their Real-Time Truck Parking System and Emergency Notification System as well as an agency roundtable discussion. For more information about this member agency only event, please contact Marygrace Parker (mgparker@tetcoalition.org).
COVID Maintenance Discussion #4 – Road & Weather
VirtualCOVID Discussion: Road & Weather Operations during COVID. This is part of the Coalition’s ongoing discussion series for their members regarding operations during/related to COVID 19. For more information, contact Denise Markow at dmarkow@tetcoalition.org.
Executive Board Meeting
VirtualThe Coalition's Executive Board meets throughout the year to receive updates on recent and upcoming activities, share best practices among DOT CEO's, provide strategic direction for Coalition programs, and evaluate emerging opportunities and legislative actions. For more information, please contact Patty Reich at preich1@tetcoalition.org or visit the Executive Board page of the website at: https://tetcoalition.org/executive-committee/. […]