Truck Parking Workshop and Final Report

To continue efforts to address and better understand the unique issues and needs surrounding truck parking along the Eastern seaboard and discuss potential solutions, the Eastern Transportation Coalition organized a workshop focused on this topic on May 1-2, 2018. Representatives from state Department of Transportation (DOT) agencies across the Eastern Transportation Coalition were invited to the workshop to address four key objectives:

  • Share recent activities to understand what is working and where
  • Develop a list of truck parking attributes necessary to create viable solutions
  • Understand the positive and negative aspects of various approaches to addressing truck parking needs; and
  • Gain a better understanding of how changes in regulations and technology could affect truck parking.

The Truck Parking Workshop was intended to build on related work in this area including the Coalition’s experience in developing and implementing a real time truck parking availability system and to build upon the work of the FHWA-led National Coalition on Truck Parking in examining best practices and strategies to address truck parking. By bringing together Coalition members exclusively, the workshop was an opportunity for participants to share experiences honestly and to ask and answer the “hard questions.” By focusing on DOTs with operating authority, the initial discussions were centered on real-world approaches to implement truck parking strategies and solutions within the corridor.  The Eastern Transportation Coalition has an important role to play to support their member agencies in this discussion. This includes coordinating and sharing data and best practices among Coalition agencies throughout the corridor and by providing a forum for the various agencies and stakeholders to interact to discuss truck parking challenges in general, while recognizing some of the unique challenges for truck parking along the East Coast. The workshop also served as a preliminary discussion to identify additional stakeholders and topics of concern that will be addressed in a subsequent broader truck parking symposium setting.

Participants came from among the Coalition’s 17 member DOTs, including staff from various levels and disciplines within each agency to bring a diverse set of perspectives into the discussions. Additionally, staff representing transportation/toll authority operating agencies and several MPOs participated.

Read the final report (pdf)

For more information on the Coalition’s Truck Parking Activities, visit