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RITIS User Group Meeting


Please join us at the next quarterly User Group web meeting which will feature a spotlight presentation by RITIS users. Updates will also be given on the RITIS Enhancement Working […]

EV Workshop

The Hotel at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD 7777 Baltimore Ave, College Park, MD, United States

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together emergency responders to discuss incident management related to EVs. This is an invite only meeting. Please contact Sheryl Bradley, with any […]

Waze and Google Bi-Annual Web Meeting


The Coalition's WAZE/Google Technical Working group will hold a web meeting to review product updates for both Waze and Google. This is a member invite only meeting. Should you have […]

TDM Leadership Group Web Meeting


State representatives will participate in their quarterly TDM Leadership Group Web Meeting.

New England HOGs Member Exchange

NHDOT Headquarters, Concord, NH

Members of the New England HOGs will gather for an in-person Information Exchange

Travel Information Summit

Nashville, TN

Two-day summit on new technologies, including the relaunch of Nav Hub 2.0, a 3rd party mapping/navigation ticketing and support system