Connected and Automated Vehicles Conference: What States Need to Know
Connected and Automated Vehicles: What Public Agencies Need to Know
June 21-22, 2016, Maritime Institute Conference Center, Linthicum, Maryland
The Eastern Transportation Coalition, a partnership of 100+ transportation and related public agencies, hosted a conference on connected and automated vehicles – specifically designed to support public agencies in addressing and accelerating the security, safety and operational issues related to the new connected/automated vehicle technologies within their jurisdictions and in coordination with neighboring jurisdictions. The goal was to illuminate and begin a discussion on how these vehicles will impact the Coalition members and what actions can be taken to mitigate risk and maximize benefits.
Below is the agenda and presentations from the Coalitions conference, presentations are linked in the presentation titles, simply click the link to view the presentation:
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
8:30 Welcome, Rick McDonough, NYSDOT and Ed Hutchinson, FDOT, Conference Co-Chairs
9:00 Getting us Started – Roundtable Facilitated Discussion
Dr. Trish Hendren, I-95 Corridor Coalition, Moderator
- Gregory C. Johnson, State Highway Administrator, Maryland State Highway Administration
- Dean Gustafson, State Operations Engineer, Virginia Department of Transportation
- Gene Donaldson, TMC Operations Manager, Delaware Department of Transportation
9:45 “Safety Perspectives of Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Blair Anderson, Deputy Administrator, NHSTA
10:45 Panel 1: Connected and Automated Vehicles — A National Perspective
Panel Moderator: Dean Gustafson, Virginia DOT
- “FHWA Connected & Automated Vehicle Research,” Dr. Gene McHale, FHWA
- “AASHTO CV Working Group,” Dr. Gummada Murthy, AASHTO
- “Overview of Current Pooled Fund Studies,” Melissa Lance, Virginia DOT
- “Overview of Connected and Automated Vehicles FHWA – Connected Vehicles Pilots (Tampa, New York City, & Wyoming), Smart Cities and the FAST Act,” Egan Smith, FHWA ITS JPO
- “Homeland Security Opportunities and Threats,” Dr. Mitch Erickson, USDHS, Science and Technology Directorate
1:00 PM Spotlight Presentation:
Introduction by Stan Young, NREL – “Connected and Automated Vehicles — Transportation is in for a Big Transformation,” Adam Jonas, Morgan Stanley
1:30 Panel 2: The Current State of the Practice
Panel Moderator: Mary Ameen, Esq., NJTPA – “Some of the Current Activities in the I-95 Corridor”
- “Virginia’s CV-AV Program,” Dean Gustafson, Virginia DOT
- “New York State’s Smart Consortium,” Joah Sapphire, Global Dynamic Group, LLC
- “Pennsylvania’s Program,” Mark Kopko, PennDOT
3:15 Panel 3: Getting Ready for Connected and Automated Vehicles from a State and Regional Perspective – Establishing the Groundwork
Panel Moderator: Rick McDonough, New York State DOT
- “Key Policy and Legal Issues to Consider,” Bryant Walker Smith, Esq., Univ. of South Carolina/Newly
- “Key Freight Issues,” Mike Roeth, North American Council for Freight Efficiency
- “Key System/Communications Issues,” Dr. Larry Head, University of Arizona
4:45 Spotlight Presentation: “Update from TRB: Setting the CAV Stage,” Dr. Katherine Kortum, TRB
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
8:30 Spotlight Presentation: “Impacts of the Ride-Sharing Economy,” Dr. Elliot Martin, University of California, Berkeley
9:00 Panel 4: Automated Vehicles in the Fast Lane
Panel Moderator: Dr. Alain Kornhauser, Princeton University
- “AAMVA – Motor Vehicle Agency Issues and Perspectives,” Ian Grossman, American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
- “Assessing the Effectiveness of Crash Avoidance Features – the Building Blocks for an Intelligent Transportation System,” David Zuby, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)
- “Auto Manufacturers Perspective,” Jonathan Weinberger, Esq., Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
- “The Coming Transit Revolution,” Dr. Jerry Lutin, NJ Transit (Ret.)
- Panel Wrap Up by Dr. Alain Kornhauser: “What We Know and What We Don’t Yet Know”
11:00 “What States Need to Do upon Return to their Agencies,” Josh Johnson, Southwest Research Institute
11:30 Wrap-Up Discussion – What’s Next, Dr. Trish Hendren, I-95 Corridor Coalition
Continuing Education Units (CEUs): 1.0 CEU is available for conference attendees completing a post-conference assessment. For more information about earning the CEU, please direct questions to Patty Reich at [email protected].
More information on the conference view the Conference Packet (pdf).
Consensus Systems Technologies (ConSysTec)
This conference built upon the conversation on state policy and regulatory needs for autonomous vehicles that took place at the Automated Vehicle Policy and Regulation: A State Perspective workshop hosted by the University of Maryland’s National Transportation Center on May 18, 2016. Its scope includes connected and automated vehicle technologies as well as car and vehicle sharing services, and how they will impact operations, safety and overall DOT practice. For more information about this event, visit: Automated Vehicle Policy and Regulation: A State Perspective Workshop.