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Southern HOGs Member Exchange

FDOT Regional TMC, Sanford, FL

Members of the Southern HOGs will gather for an in-person Information Exchange.

RITIS User Group Meeting


User Group web meeting which will feature a spotlight presentation by RITIS users.

TDM Freight Data Vendor Forum


During this event, the vendors providing Freight data products as part of the Transportation Data Marketplace (TDM) will provide information on their products and answer member questions. Each Freight data […]

TDM Travel Time & Speed Data Vendor Forum


During this event, the vendors providing Travel Time & Speed data products as part of the Transportation Data Marketplace (TDM) will provide information on their products and answer member questions. […]

Bridge Hit Mitigation Working Group Meeting


The Coalition's Bridge Hit Mitigation Working Group will meet to engage interested member agencies in efforts to address highway and rail bridge hits by building on the strategies and lessons […]

RITIS User Group Meeting


Updates will also be given on the RITIS Enhancement Working Group and the PDA-Suite Performance Measures Working Group activities.